One Day "BRAVE MUSIC"Project in Bandung with SMTV
Time | Sunday, October 10 at 9:30am - October 31 at 9:30am |
Location | Bandung |
Created By | |
More Info | One Day "BRAVE MUSIC"Project in Bandung with SMTV. 03-10 Oct 2010, booked from now. One day SMTV Camp (Special Video Clip Production), di Knock down studio SMTV visiting programs . Welcome band/duo/solois...all genre, umum(pelajar/non pelajar). Contact : 081282999021/021-68582358, ...... Great Benefits (nice clip& free SMTV integrated music media publication) : 1. Low Budget Clip production(high impact).Greenscreen animation technique : band action&story model.(cth klik bwh) http://www.facebook.com/vi 2. Free Episode tayang SMTV, new release song (26 tv lokal jaringan tayang resmi SMTV & Multichannels SMTV Autoplay Streaming), http://smtvindonesia.com/ Segmen : talkshow with VJ STudent & behind the scene with student creative community, plus tayang hasil clip project. 3. Free another Episode tayang exclusive Sumpah Pemuda ! 4. Free, e-Album "Brave Song" compilation , digital(sales) distribution nasional/internasional 5.Free , TV fans streaming khusus Brave group di http://brave.musikindonesi 6. Free, Video Music on demand lagu2 gabung Brave Music Project di http://ponsel.musikindones populasi hp di Indonesia sudah 150 jt hp?), kode interaktif video on demand jg rutin di halaman musicpedia magz tv guide smtv/musikindonesia.tv 7. Free Liputan majalah tv guide / musik ut peserta one day Brave Project 8. RBT & Ringtone code lagu2 peserta brave project jika blm memiliki. Hasil project clip otomatis menjadi peserta best clip perform SMTV Award 2010-2011 dengan berbagai hadiah : special episode, tour, Indo Nite Singapore, dll. Buruan , limited participant only. Welcome band all genre good song, from any cities,as host(tuan rumah) brave music project 1 : Kota Bandung. email :info@smtvindonesia.com , cp : 081282999021/021-68582358 Next host tour, one day brave project :Jogja , Jkt & Cirebon (TBA) Ayo dukung Indonesian Student Creatives dan Nation Building Content lewat lagu kalian. Salam SMTV(Student Music TV) Indonesia TVnya kolaborasi pelajar dan musisi Indonesia http://smtvindonesia.com/ http://www.facebook.com/al NOTE PENTING LAIN : Dibuka juga kesempatan : Student VJ dan Student Models (SMP/SMU/K/College), email cv ke info@smtvindonesia.com http://www.facebook.com/ph Student Music Television (SMTV)Indonesia hadir membangun kreativitas bangsa. Siar di jaringan tayang SMTV puluhan kota di Indonesia setiap harinya bersama network Televisi Lokal afiliasi resmi tayang SMTV dalam format tayang SMTV (Student Music Television) dan SMCH (Student Music Channel), melibatkan kolaborasi ribuan siswa sekolahan / pelajar kreatif dan musisi /band seNusantara. Bagi daerah yang belum memperoleh tayang SMTV disediakan 24 hours TV Streaming Autoplay Multichannels. Program SMTV lain2: Album menjadi lagu2 film musikal, anggota2 band menjadi pemain filmnya, judul film lagu unggulan, cerita film tema2 lagu, ...mari bergabung di produksi film musikal SMTV, beberapa film musikal SMTV juga mengikuti festival2 film internasional.Beradu akting dengan student artist, berkarya bareng student creatives....sala...m SMTV, http://smtvindonesia.com/, email : info@smtvindonesia.com, hotline : 081282999021 (supported by Canon too) Klik : http://www.facebook.com/vi Episode The Next Star TV Show : http://www.facebook.com/ph Episode Album Story with VJ STudent http://www.facebook.com/ph Ada yang seru Movie in the Garden & Live Accoustic http://www.facebook.com/ph |
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